
Our grooming service

At Espace Chien, our grooming is done gently with respect, by experienced groomers who are passionate and attentive to the needs of each animal.

Your pooch will be pampered in a safe, clean and stress-free environment, and we will make their grooming a positive experience.

Our specialties include desensitization, positive reinforcement for anxious dogs and early puppy grooming.

For more information on our grooming service, or to make an appointment, call us at 450-933-9443

The products we use are 100% natural, organic and made in Quebec.

Gentle methods, even for difficult dogs

Have you been told your dog is difficult to groom? Has he even been “fired” from his old grooming salon? Look no further!

At Espace Chien, we specialize in positive reinforcement, and our patience and gentle care overcome our most stressed and anxious customers.

They are even happy to come back!

Contact us to know our prices and availability

Do not hesitate to call or write to us for an appointment or for any questions. It will be our pleasure to answer you. We look forward to meeting your pooch!

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